Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

Zillionaire Gold Blog is hosted on the Blogger platform and adheres to all privacy policies that Blogger does.  Additionally, you should consult the Blogger Terms of Service for a more robust explanation of these terms.  Any information that we gather will be for statistical purposes only, will not link directly to a specific user, and will only be information that is customary and routine for websites to gather.  The writers at Zillionaire have no interest in who you are, what you do, or why you are here.  We will not share (or explicitly ask for) any personal information.  Any personal information that you choose to divulge in the Comments section of this website is at your own risk.  If you do not agree with this, you may not use this website.

There are advertisements on this website.  They adhere to standard web practices.  If you choose to click on an advertisement, it may place a cookie in your browser.  It is your responsibility to understand what a cookie does.  If you do not agree to these terms, do not use this website.

We may link to outside websites.  We are not responsible for their content or their privacy policy.  

Many of the images in this blog are partial "screenshots" from Blizzard's World of Warcraft. We make no claim to any of the intellectual property rights associated with the artwork. We use them in a "Fair Use" manner, akin to quoting a paragraph from a book. This notice serves as attribution to Blizzard/Activision as intellectual property holders to many of the images on this blog.

You may contact the main content developer of this blog at : with any questions or concerns regarding Privacy or Terms of Service at this website.